There are self-help books are a lot in the world.
I was created Goals by reference to the self-help books and the business books.
Some self-help books are too emphasized that the “goals can be achieved by thinking” and the “if thought goals can be achieved”. It is reminiscent not have to act. Indeed, the goal is to be thought can not be achieved. However, it is not possible to achieve the goal without action.
I’d like to recommend is the book that has been written about the action to the goals.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
by Stephen R. Covey (Author)
In ultra-famous books as business books and self-help book, there are several related books. If you are interested in business books and self-help book I think that there is to be read.
I created the Goals by this book as a reference. As a result of the reference are “2 – Begin with the End in Mind” and “7 – Sharpen the Saw”.
In this book I will set goals for “Physical”, “Social/Emotional”, “Mental” and “Spiritual”. You can easily set a goal for each of these categories using Goals.
ルー・タイス(著), 苫米地英人(監修), 田口未和(翻訳)
This Is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal
by Jim Donovan (Author)
本屋で「トヨタ自動車 張名誉会長が雑誌で紹介!」と書いてあるのをみて購入した本です。とても読みやすくシンプルにかかれていて、ひとつひとつ実行してみようと思える本です。行動に躊躇・停滞しているときは、この本を読みなおします。また、この書籍も目標は書くことから始まり、Goalsも参考にしています。
The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It
by Kelly McGonigal (Author)