To achieve the goal you need to properly set the goals. There are five criteria to be referred to as the “SMART” as a guideline for setting goals. Taking each of the first letter is called “SMART”.
1. Specific
The goal must be specific and clear. Specific goal, you can answer the following questions:
What: What do I want to accomplish?
Why: Why do I want to achieve the goal? Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal.
Who: Who is involved?
Where: Where do the action to the goal? Identify a location.
Which: Identify requirements and constraints.
2. Measurable
Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of your goal. Measurable goal, you can answer the following questions:
How much? Or How many?
How will I know when it is accomplished?
3. Achievable
The goal must be realistic and achievable. Achievable goal, you can answer the following questions:
How can the goal be accomplished?
4. Relevant
The goal must be meaningful. Relevant goal, you can answer the following questions:
Whether it is worth to you and you organization?
5. Time-bound
The goal must be to clarify the date and planning to achieve. Time-bound goal, you can answer the following questions:
When do I achieve the goal?
What can I do today?
“SMART” There are several types. Meaning each by the author is a little different. “R” is also one that is as “realistic”. In general, it is due to the concept of Peter Drucker’s management by objectives.